TME runs a mechanical design office which uses the most powerful technical resources to calculate and model our test specimens. We focus all our human and computer resources into our in-depth mechanical studies, for finished part analysis and/or fatigue calculations.
TME also boasts a design office specialised in electronics, which uses your input to develop a product in line with your expectations.
Finished part analysis:
In digital analyses, finished part analysis is used to numerically resolve equations with partial differentials. In analytical terms, these represent the dynamic behaviour of mechanical systems.
And in real terms, this allows us to numerically calculate how objects - even the most complex – behave, provided that they are continuous and can be described by an equation using partial linear differentials, such as the deformation of a metallic structure.
In our applications, we can use these to determine constraints or displacement vectors.
Structures subjected to repeated variable stresses are sensitive to the phenomenon of fatigue.This phenomenon is manifested by the propagation of cracks and results in a loss of strength over time, until failure. Fatigue is characterized in particular by a range of variation in stresses which may be much less than the elastic limit of the material.It is therefore important to know the theoretical “resistance” of any structure subjected to the phenomenon of fatigue.
For any specific need, do not hesitate to consult us. Our design offices will develop a "customized" product for you that meets your specifications.
Specific products
For any specific need , do not hesitate to consult us. Our design office will develop for you a "tailor-made" product that meets your specifications.
130 avenue de Copenhague
Parc d'activités de Signes
83870 - SIGNES
Tél : (+33)4 94 10 00 51